martes, 28 de abril de 2009

[Cine] Knowing

*Nota: Escribi esto en Ingles porque hay una website que me esta dando oportunidad de publicar con ellos aqui en EEUU. Tiene que ser en Ingles a wilson, entonces aprovecho y lo pongo aqui tambien para compartirlo con ustedes. Que esten bien y que aguanten la purificacion de nuestro hermoso pais. Animo!

Couple months ago I received an e-mail from my dad saying: "You have to watch this film". He was referring to the film "Knowing", a controversial film with Nicolas Cage about our possible future, and a lot of things related to 2012 and the Mayan Prophecies. The end of our civilization but not the end of human kind.

"Knowing" is not just a movie about what it is probably the end of our existence as we know it. Also it's a movie about waking up your true and genuine being that lives inside you. It is a film that will help you discover something more beyond what we humans can see, something that lives out there and just few have seen.

The whole movie has some typical Hollywood suspense, but I understand it is something that the director Alex Proyas did to get some people into the movie theater. The movie has one of the best endings I ever seen in my life, and I know I am young but I've seen a lot of movies.

The whole concept of the movie is very original. The screenplay is a master piece and the whole film will make you stare at the screen every single time without blinking.

The movie talks about a little girl that had some unusual experiences and also she was able to predict the future. She wrote everything down in a piece of paper (not with letters but with numbers), this happened few years ago. Yes everything its mathematical and it is great. It is super entertaining because you are advancing with the characters, discovering what they discover. At the end for some reason John Koestler (Nicolas Cage) and Caleb Koestler (Chandler Canterbury) have that piece of paper that will change their lives. You have to watch this film because if I tell you more, I will take all the good things out of it.

In this film you will hear about real scientific discoveries such as "The intensifying solar rays" that are getting warmer and stronger every year. You will hear about International Catastrophes from the past and all of this will be mixed with suspense and great action scenes. It is a perfect way to learn more about today's world and everything that happens right now. Wait for the DVD format, because is no longer available in the Movie Theater. :(

"Knowing". Release Date: March 2009. Director: Alex Proyas. Screenplay: Ryne Douglas Pearson and Juliet Snowden. Cast: Nicolas Cage, Chandler Canterbury, Rose Byrne, D.G Maloney, Lara Robinson, Nadia Townsend and more actors.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Bueno de la pelicula, ni hablar,creo seria mejor decir que el director es el que hizo otro peliculon llamado Dark City, tambien super-recomendable.
Pero lo notable, para mi, es tu fraseo y grammar en ingles, creo que ya eres digno de confianza para traducir al ingles el proximo exito editorial llamado: el 2012 Cosmico un proximo best- seller.

Asi que a afinar el lapiz para trabajar con Solecito.


Anónimo dijo...

Efectivamente Dark city es la tarjeta de presentacion de este directorazo, que timing.
